My Influence'sÂ
As with councillors I have collected knowledge in order to better support families I work with. This is on going as, I am always looking at how to make this new form of childcare more transparent with high professional standers. I support families from a 'person cantered' approach working with them to find out how to make SMART targets and help you reach them.
Emily Ward (Norland)
Grounded in history, focused on the future
Founded in 1892 by educational pioneer Emily Ward, opened a Collage Norland was the first educational establishment to offer any kind of childcare training. Emily Ward recognised the need for early years childcare to be more structured, centred around the child, loving and nurturing. Prior to the introduction of formal training at Norland, children would be cared for by ‘untutored’ housemaids before going to school. Training at Norland was based on the founding principles of Fröbel, the German educationalist best known as the originator of the ‘kindergarten system’, and adapted to be more relevant to the needs of young children and their families.
Emily Ward opened Norland on 25 September 1892. Her recently discovered notebook contains over 120 pages of first-hand accounts of the founding days of the Norland Institute, as it was first known, from 14 May 1892 through to 6 November 1919. The handwritten pages contain personal insights into her life during the period and, along with newspaper cuttings, invitations and documents carefully secured onto the pages by Emily, give a unique insight into the time. Emily Ward’s legacy is immortalised through the Emily Ward Bursary, which provides students with the opportunity to obtain a grant towards the cost of their tuition fees.
Along with its location, the curriculum at Norland has changed and progressed with the times to offer the most up-to-date academic childcare training courses and the highest practice standards in line with the latest research. Norland’s worldwide reputation as being at the forefront of early years education and training continues. It now offers an intensive academic degree and skills-based diploma programme, combining cutting edge research and knowledge with practical training. It is our students, past and present, who have been instrumental in establishing Norland’s position as the leader in early years education. Every Norlander carries the responsibility of maintaining our reputation to the highest of standards.
Ref "www.norland.ac.uk"

Positive Discipline
Is a tool based system that can be thought over several sessions
Positive Discipline is a model based on Adlerian Psychology. It can be used by parents, teachers, couples, business and community leaders to learn to create responsible, respectful, and resourceful relationships in their communities. Based on the best selling Positive Discipline books by Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott, and co-authors, this model can be applied to both children and adults to become contributing members of their communities.Â
The premise of this model is to help people find a sense of belonging and significance following FIVE CRITERIA: Â
Helps children feel a sense of connection. (Belonging and significance)
Is mutually respectful and encouraging. (Kind and firm at the same time.)
Is effective long - term. (Considers what the child is thinking, feeling, learning, and deciding about himself and his world – and what to do in the future to survive or to thrive.)
Teaches important social and life skills. (Respect, concern for others, problem solving, communication, and cooperation as well as the skills to contribute to the home, school or larger community.)
Invites children to discover how capable they are. (Encourages the constructive use of personal power and autonomy.)
Note: The FIVE CRITERIA are also applicable to adult relationships.

Marie Montessori
The Montessori Method contains five basic principles.
The Five Principles
Principle 1: Respect for the Child
Respect for the Child is the major principle underlying the entire Montessori method. Montessori believed children should be respected (not common practice in the early twentieth century). Respect is shown for children by not interrupting their concentration. Respect is also shown by giving pupils the freedom to make choices, to do things for themselves, and to learn for themselves. Teachers model respect for all students as well as peaceful conflict resolution, and must learn to observe without judgement.
Principle 2: The Absorbent Mind
Montessori education is based on the principle that, simply by living, children are constantly learning from the world around them. Through their senses children constantly absorb information from their world. They then make sense of it because they are thinking beings.
Principle 3: Sensitive Periods
Montessori pedagogy believes there are certain periods during which children are more ready to learn certain skills. These are known as sensitive periods, and last only as long as is necessary for the child to acquire the skills. The order in which sensitive periods occur (i.e. a sensitive period for writing) as well as the timing of the period varies for each child. Through observation, Montessori teachers must identify sensitive periods in their students and provide the resources for children to flourish during this time.
Principle 4: The Prepared Environment
The Montessori method suggests that children learn best in an environment that has been prepared to enable them to do things for themselves. Always child-centred, the learning environment should promote freedom for children to explore materials of their choice. Teachers should prepare the learning environment by making materials and experiences available to children in an orderly and independent way.
Principle 5: Auto education
Auto education, or self-education, is the concept that children are capable of educating themselves. This is one of the most important beliefs in the Montessori method. Montessori teachers provide the environment, the inspiration, the guidance and the encouragement for children to educate themselves.
Alfred Adler (Positive Discipline)
Alfred Adler was an early associate of Sigmund Freud in Vienna but his revolutionary observations triggered a life of research dedicated to understanding people that he called Individual Psychology. Adler's comprehensive theory of human behavior has resulted in models of practice that have had broad impact on the fields of education, social sciences, family life, psychology and psychotherapy. He pioneered ideas and techniques that have become the basis for most contemporary work including Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Reality Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Existential Therapy, Holistic Psychology and Family Therapy to name a few. Theorists as diverse as Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Viktor Frankl, Abraham Maslow, Albert Ellis, and Aaron T. Beck credit Adler's work as an important basis for their own contributions. Adler was one of the earliest theorists to utilize a short-term, active, focused and solution-oriented approach to psychotherapy. Adler's work is fundamental to the professions and practices of school psychology, school counselling, the community mental health movement and parent education. As a dynamic and vital view of human development, Individual Psychology continues to grow and thrive in a changing world.
Ref "www.alfredadler.org"